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Author: Marco innocenti. “The Starry Seas are so vast that there is room for everyone. There is no risk of being stuck in traffic like in the city during rush hour, not even when the skies are crossed by millions of vehicles, from the largest interstellar spaceships to the smallest space vessels”...

One of these, the cultural cargo ship Argentinas, flying the terrestrial flag, is commanded by a young girl, Nadia Wood.

Together with her stubborn but loyal ship's assistant Wando, Nadia sails the starry seas transporting man-made works to every corner of the Universe before they are forgotten forever.

Many adventures and intergalactic encounters will follow one another in a science fiction novel full of humanity!

At the end of the novel there is a section dedicated to the reader who can tell what he would take with him if he had to leave the Earth, which songs, which TV series or which books and so on and what he would miss the most.

Nadia of the starry seas

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